Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Hemet, California
Faith Formation Department
Online Registration
The Faith formation office in light of this Pandemic is now offering Online registration. Please take note that this is a pre-registration for the NEW Faith Formation year. The registration process will not be complete until payment is received. The Coordinator will contact each family that submitted a registration for additional information.
La oficina de formación de fe a causa de esta pandemia ahora ofrece pre-registracion para el NUEVO año en línea. Tenga en cuenta que esta es una preinscripción para el NUEVO año de formación de fe. El proceso de registro no estará completo hasta que se reciba el pago. La Coordinador se comunicará con cada perosna que sometio una registracion para obtener información adicional.

Youth Confirmation classes are offered on Monday's from 6:00pm to 7:30pm. For registration information contact the Faith Formation Coordinator at (951) 927-8544 or email at jchagolla@sbdiocese.org

Reconciliation sessions are offered every Wednesday from 5:00pm to 6:30pm during the months of September through December. For registration information contact Faith Formation Coordinator Josie Chagolla at (951) 927-8544 or email at jchagolla@sbdiocese.org

Faith Formation
Faith Formation Classes are every other Sunday. We offer faith formation classes for children, grades first through eight grade.
For Registration Information
Contact Josie Chagolla at 951-927-8544 or email her at jchagolla@sbdiocese.org
Adult Conformation
For Roman Catholic Adults ages 18 years or older who have not completed the process of initiation for Confirmation and first Communion Registrations are open.
For Registration Information
Contact Josie Chagolla at 951-927-8544 or email her at jchagolla@sbdiocese.org

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Are you interested in the Catholic Faith?
RCIA sessions are every Monday from 6pm to 7:30pm. For Registration information contact Josie Chagolla at 951-927-8544
RCIA for Children
If your child is between the ages of 7 to 17 and has not received the sacrament of Baptism, your child is a candidate for RCIA for Children.
Pleas Contact Josie Chagolla for registration information. 951-927-8544 or Email at jchagolla@sbdiocese.org
First Communion
First Communion sessions are offered every Wednesday from 5:00pm to 6:30pm during the months of February through May. For registration information contact Faith Formation Coordinator Josie Chagolla at (951) 927-8544 or email at jchagolla@sbdiocese.org